Sequential programming

If you program games or real time simulation you probably found yourself trying to achieve sequential executions(do this, then this, wait to finish this…) in the step/update function of your code. How many times have you write code that checked if you are at the end of an animation to do something else after that? You can overcome this problem using ifs and flags, if your list of things to do sequentially is short. But we all know that short term solutions can turn into horrible nightmares if the extrapolate the same pattern of adding more ifs and variables.


Generate an easy way to execute functions sequentially. Execute one function, wait until it’s done, execute the next function until there are no more functions to execute.

PROPOSE SOLUTION(for haxe/as3)

Generate a class that handles the problem! So my solution is quite simple, just create a class that store the functions to be executed and execute them one at a time.
The first thing we need to know is when a function has finish. To do this we simply return a bool in all the functions. If we finish doing what we needed to do in the function we return true, if not we return false.

Here an example how to manually loop an animation using the SequenceCode class

var mSequencer:SequenceCode=new SequenceCode();

public function update(aDt:Float):Void

and here the functions…

private function loop(aDt:Float):Bool
private function animationFinish(aDt:Float):Bool
  return mCurrentAnimation.totalFrames==mCurrentAnimation.currentFrame;
private function resetAnimation(aDt:Float):Bool
return true;

You can even create simple animations sequences with a variable target and a function moveToTarget(aDt) that returns true once it reach the target.

You can use it to create simple AI :

private think(aDt:Float):Boolean
if(player is far away)
 return true;

The logic code gets far more readable using this approach vs the ifs and the flags.

The full code of the SequenceCode class can be found here

Fell free to write me back =)

In my next post I will show you how to use my implementation of a behavior tree




2 thoughts on “Sequential programming

  1. You should try hx-async library(written by me). I have some updates under the hat waiting to be added to repo, but its generally quite useful and stable despite having a couple of tricky things(hard to encounter though) and quite complicated inner working. It uses callback style under the hood, but is cross platform.

    In any case, it allows to do this things in much less tedious way.

    1. Thank you Yanis for the tip. I’m going to take a look at the lib because I never use async programming in games.

      Just to be clear, the code I post is suppose to be sync so it’s easy to make sequences and understand how the code is going to be executed.

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